“Teach to the heart and the mind will follow” - Victor Rios

I’ve always been passionate about education and the power of perspective. As I’ve grown as both a person and a designer, I hope to continue to give back in service to those that have done the same for me. Here is a collection of the past 6-7 years of that work - including nuggets from my days at UC San Diego!

Had that opportunity to be a part of a panel for Intuit’s Designer Launch series - a partnership with our local AIGA branch to provide a safe networking & educational space for early career designers

Showing the double sided experience of TurboTax Live for the annual San Diego Design Trek

Speaking at UC San Diego on Intuit’s core design philosophy, Design for Delight

Always giving back to my Alma Mater, UC San Diego! 🔱 Here’s one event where we did an all day design sprint with the students

Spoke at SD Startup Week with a couple of my colleagues on the topic of Design Thinking in multiple scales

My students at Summer Summit

Went to a service trip in Nicaragua in 2016 to offer educational resources through a local non profit

TEDxUCSD - Speakers relation team

Was one of several Resource Advisors for Summer Summit, a 6-day, 7-night residential program for high school students designed and run by the Student Initiated Access Programs and Services (SIAPS) at UC San Diego. This program invites 10th-12th grade high school students from the San Diego area to stay in one of UCSD’s residential life halls.

S/o to one of my favorite people, Belinda! I used to work for her at the Chancellor's Associates Scholars Program, which gives low socioeconomic students a full ride to UC San Diego.